AnimalKind's mission is to end the unnecessary euthanasia of adoptable cats and dogs in North Carolina shelters.
Donating online is an easy, efficient and safe way to support AnimalKind. Through the online donation process you have the opportunity to give a one-time donation or set-up recurring monthly donations.
One Time Donation Recurring Donation
AnimalKind can accept mail-in donations at the following address:
AnimalKindBe sure to include any special instructions as to how you would like your contribution to be used.
Many companies have sponsored employee giving programs that match personal contributions made to AnimalKind. Please contact your HR department to see if your company participates in this program and obtain the necessary forms. Once we have received/processed the form and your donation is paid in full, we will contact your company. Don’t miss this great opportunity to double or possibly triple your gift!
Click here to find out if your company participates in the Matching Gifts Program.
Contribute to AnimalKind, and the mission to end pet overpopulation and shelter euthanasia, in memory of a special person or beloved pet. Mark a special occasion for a family member or friend (i.e. birthdays, anniversaries) with a gift in celebration. Simply make your gift with a note referencing the person for whom the gift is honoring, memorializing, or celebrating. An AnimalKind team member will then mail a card to the person you’ve designated stating that a donation has been made on their behalf. Choose to have your family or friends contribute to AnimalKind in lieu of gifts or flowers when it’s time to recognize the important moments in your life.
Please contact us at 919-870-1660 for more information about memorial or honorary gift giving.
Gifts – In Memory and In Honor
State of North Carolina Spay and Neuter Program – You can support AnimalKind and other spay/neuter programs throughout NC by purchasing your I Care license plate. Of the annual $30 plate purchase, $20 goes to support organizations like AnimalKind.